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Who we are

About Us

Our Goal :

“To bring people together to allow each individual to feel supported and to enjoy life in

complete freedom”

The French Federation of People with Diabetes (FFD) is the main organisation for and key

representative of people with diabetes in France. Run by and for people with diabetes, the

organisation was created in 1938 by Maurice Paz, who was a diabetic himself. The FFD has

been an officially-registered charity since 1976 and has been formally recognised by the

Ministry of Health as an advocate for people with diabetes since 2007. Mainly financed by

individual donors and bequests, the French Federation of People with Diabetes is completely

free from the influence of public institutions, scientific bodies or private corporations.

This independence has allowed the Federation to act as a credible and legitimate partner for

all stakeholders involved in the management of diabetes in France.

Our Missions

The Federation is involved three main areas:

>> Information, support and prevention campaigns: We help people with diabetes as well

as their families and friends to better cope with the condition. We also raise awareness among

all those at risk of developing diabetes. The Federation publishes all kinds of information

material (online and offline), runs a peer-led support programme with fully trained volunteers,

and organises dedicated prevention campaigns.

>> Defending and acting for people living with diabetes: We campaign for the individual

and collective rights of diabetic patients to be recognized. Using our Legal and Social

Services, the Federation campaigns for people with diabetes to have their rights fully

recognised as citizens. We fight against any discrimination they can be subjected to, and we

advocate for the best possible medical care.

>> Research and innovation: Funding academic research to help find a cure for diabetes,

and directly contributing to innovation by running sociological studies on the needs and

expectations of people with diabetes. In 2015, the Federation launched its own “Living Lab”

to help innovators design solutions which really focus on the quality of life of people with



Some facts and figures about the FFD

• There are 100 local branches of the FFD throughout France and overseas

• We have 1 500 regular volunteers

• We have 24 employees at our national headquarters

• We have 23 000 individual donors.

• On a yearly basis :

o 1 000 persons are involved in our peer-support programmes

o  We organise over 600 awareness-raising events and 300 conferences

o  Every year, our website attracts over 2 000 000 one-time visitors:

- The Federation seeks to represent every one of the 4 million persons living with diabetes in


Our Values

The Federation has six core values, permeating every level of the FFD’s activities, and

contributing to the success our social initiatives:

  • Activism:

Our attitude is combative! We fight to make a difference! If anything is done on our behalf,

we want to be involved in it.

  • Humanism:

We want to bring humanism back at the heart of the people-doctor relationship, help people

with diabetes to be considered as a whole human being, and not a disease to be treated.

  • Proximity:

Sharing, solidarity, mutual aid, all in a constant dialogue with all of you and through our

territorial network.

  • Innovation:

We promote inspiration and creativity in all of our actions.


Nothing can alter our freedom of speech and action in a climate of ethics and transparency.

  • Quality:

Whether in information, support or services, we want to guarantee a quality experience for

each people.

Want to get in touch with us?

If you need more information about our Federation, please send an email to Marlène Rouchès


Want to find other associations fighting diabetes around the world ?

Visit the International Diabetes Federation website and find all members around the world.

Our Federation has been a founding member of the IDF since 1952.


Traduction-révision effectuée dans le cadre du Master 2 ILTS 
